Alfred Oaks Solar, a wholly owned subsidiary of Northland Power, Inc., is a proposed 100 MW Solar facility with 20 MW BESS (Battery Storage) potential in the town of Alfred, Allegany County, New York. Northland is in the process of conducting pre-application studies, including habitat and wildlife studies, survey, and wetlands delineations. The project (study) area encompasses approximately 1,200 acres, and the facility area is expected to cover a portion of that, including panels, roads, inverter, and interconnection substation area.
The project has been in development since 2020, and will be permitted through the NY State Office of Renewable Energy Siting (ORES). The permit process brings together multiple agency reviews, including NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, The US Army Corps of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife, and NY State Historical Preservation Office. This review is expected to take slightly more than a year from the time of application, with a commercial operations date projected for late 2024.
On August 1, 2016, the Public Service Commission approved a Clean Energy Standard adopting a goal whereby 50% of electricity consumed in New York by 2030 would be generated by renewable energy sources (referred to as the “50 by 30” goal).
Alfred Oaks Solar will connect to an existing 115 kV National Grid transmission line located within the project area, and will deliver power directly into the NY State Grid.
Alfred Oaks Solar is a photovoltaic solar array, using PV panels on single axis tracker racking. Solar projects are fenced for security, with gated access.
Once permitted, the project will take between 9-14 months to construct.
Intervenor funding is money that Applicants (i.e., Northland Power) make available to qualified, locally affected parties and municipalities to offset certain expenses they incur in participating in the state permitting process. These funds are meant to encourage early and effective public involvement in project development and permitting.
How to apply for intervenor funding:
94-c Application Intervenor Fund
Combined Notice of Available of Draft Permit (03.18.24)
On April 14, 2023, Alfred Oaks Solar, LLC filed its ORES 94c Permit application. Please visit link for all project application details. The deadline to file for intervenor funding is April 14, 2023.
3-Day Notice of Intent (02.16.23)
Final 60 Day Notice of Intent (08.25.22)
Project Timeline/94c permitting timeline
Community Meeting Slide Deck (10.28.21)
What to know about the solar project proposed in Alfred (Evening Tribune Article)
Community Meeting 10.28.21
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